
door frames Construction

Door frameL 150 cm. H 220 cm. P 25 cm.
various sizesEAPR1

Travertine door frameL 160 cm. H 305 cm. P 25 cm.
various sizesEAPR2
Window frames Construction

Window framevarious sizesEACF1

Window framevarious sizesEACF2

Window frameL 140 cm. H 160 cm. P 30 cm.EACF3
Mullioneds Construction

Mullioned windowvarious sizesEABF1

Mullioned windowvarious sizesEABF2
Arcades Construction

Arcadevarious sizesEAAC1

Plane arcadevarious sizesEAAC2

Gothic archesvarious sizesEAAC3
Columns Construction

Tuff column for gazeboesL 37 cm. H 230 cm. P 37 cm. Kg.250EACL1

Tuff capital columnØ 60 cm. H 254 cm. Kg.60EACL2

Column + capital + potL 37 cm. H 230 cm. P 37 cm. Kg.450EACL3

Tuff column roundvarious sizesEACL4

Tuff columnL 37 cm. H 225 cm. P 37 cm.EACL5

Tuff columnL 60 cm. H 230 cm. P 60 cm.EACL6

Tuff round column 3 piecesL 45 cm. H 230 cm. P 45 cm. Kg.150EACL7

Modular squared columnL 37 cm. H 230 cm. P 37 cm. Kg.360EACL8

Final columnvarious sizesEACL9

Angular columnvarious sizesEACL10

Squared columnL 25 cm. H 80 cm. P 25 cm. Kg.70EACL11

vL 30 cm. H 80 cm. P 30 cm. Kg.105EACL12

Squared columnL 35 cm. H 80 cm. P 35 cm. Kg.150EACL13

Double columns on pillarL 80 cm. H 200 cm. P 35 cm. Kg.400EACL14

Squared column pilasterL 45 cm. H 250 cm. P 45 cm.EACL15
Fireplaces Construction

Tuff fireplace 4 pieces "Giacinto"L 120 cm. H 130 cm. P 37 cm. Kg.230EACM1

Tuff fireplace 4 pieces "Enrico"L 120 cm. H 130 cm. P 37 cm. Kg.210EACM2

Tuff fireplace 6 pieces "Giovanni"L 150 cm. H 130 cm. P 37 cm. Kg.220EACM3

Peperino fireplace "Biagio"L 165 cm. H 140 cm. P 40 cm. Kg.220EACM4

Peperino fireplace "Giorgio"L 120 cm. H 120 cm. P 30 cm. Kg.180EACM5

Tuff fireplace 4 pieces "Francesco"L 120 cm. H 112 cm. P 40 cm. Kg.215EACM6
Wall units Construction

Venetian wall unitL 1ml. H 160 cm. P 22 cm. Kg.--EAMD1
Pillars Construction

Tufa pillarsvarious shapes and sizesEAPL1

Pillar with cone-shaped columnL 37 cm. H 225 cm. P 37 cm. Kg.150EAPL2

Small pillar with vase e decorationL 37 cm. H 168 cm. P 37 cm. Kg.280EAPL3

Small pillar with sphereL 27 cm. H 168 cm. P 27 cm. Kg.190EAPL4
Capitals Construction

Hand-crafted tuff capitalL 60 cm. H 60 cm. P 60 cm. Kg.130EAPL5

Hand-crafted tuff capitalL 80 cm. H 60 cm. P 100 cm. Kg.320EAPL6